Mental Health
First Aid

Do you want to become a Mental Health First Aider?

Understanding mental health will not only benefit your life but the lives of those around you.

This course will teach you methods to identify signs of potential mental health issues and ensure you’re prepared to offer support.

Have you noticed anyone close to you acting differently, or do you know anyone that is struggling with their mental health?

Mental Health First Aid will teach you how to support them correctly.

We are providing this course on behalf of Mental Health First Aid England.

Upcoming Dates

Why you should attend this course:

  • You will gain a better understanding of what mental health is and how to spot it
  • You will have the confidence to step in, reassure and support people in distress
  • You will understand the impact mental health can have on people and their lives.

What you will learn on this course:

  • Practical Skills: Spotting triggers and signs of mental health.
  • Support: Help people recover by guiding them to further resources.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Improve your interpersonal skills such as non-judgemental listening and empathy

This course has been specifically designed for all levels of staff. We have had numerous attendees from lots of different roles and they tell us how beneficial they found it. 

See what others thinks of Mental Health First Aider

“Excellent - full of incredibly useful information and guidance on how to handle various situations, resulting in increased confidence in my own ability to assist someone who may approach me for MHFA, but also providing me with the confidence to be able to apply ALGEE in any given situation not only in the workplace but also outside. Fantastic trainers and a great group of co-trainees - all in all a very worthwhile couple of days spent on the course. I felt that this was an excellent course that others should definitely attend.”

"I loved the course. Sue was a very good instructor (proven skills, knowledge, answered all questions with exceptional timekeeping). The course was very comprehensive (manual) which will needs to be read outside of the course. The practical exercises and the video help the candidates/team apply the theory, information and instruction. In terms of my scoring, I marked 8 as I have the background knowledge and information but need to now apply the training. We had 8 candidates on the course. This was an ideal number. Excellent course. Would recommend to all."

"I thought the whole structure and presentation of the course was brilliant, Susan took questions and took the time to answer all queries we had. She understood when I got upset about a particular topic and allowed me to take time out. The general atmosphere was calm but engaging and I’d definitely recommend my peers to take this course."


  • Two-day face-to-face course delivered across four manageable sessions.
  • Learning takes place through a mix of presentations, group discussions, and workshop activities.
  • Each session is built around a Mental Health First Aid action plan.
  • We limit the number of places to 16 to allow the instructor to interact with every participant.

Course Structure – Session 1

  • Why Mental Health First Aid 
  • The Mental Health First Aid action plan
  • What is mental health?
  • Impact of mental health issues
  • Stigma and discrimination
  • What is depression?
  • Symptoms of depression
  • Rick factors for depressions
  • Depression in the workplace
  • + Sessions 2, 3 & 4

Upcoming Dates

Find all of our upcoming training dates for Mental Health First Aid on the Eventbrite link below.

Upcoming Dates

We have an in-house training manager that coordinates all of OHC’s training courses, with support from our clinical support team. 

Upcoming Courses Reminder

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help someone I know that’s having mental health issues

Listen to them let them talk, treat them as you would any other friend or family member. If you are worried about them then signpost them to their GP and if necessary, contact their GP if you are concerned about them. Go with them if they do not feel able to attend appointments alone.

How to deal with mental health issues at work?

Someone with mental health problems is no different to someone with a bad back. Ask them how they are, ask if there is anything you can do to support them or help them in the workplace. Treat them as you would any other colleague with health problems. Seek advice from a manager or HR department try not to deal with problems alone.

Can alcohol and drugs affect mental health?

Alcohol can be a depressant so if you are already feeling depressed alcohol will make you feel worse. The temporary feelings you have whilst drinking will not last and may make you feel worse afterwards.

Some recreational drugs can lead to long term mental health problems such as depression and schizophrenia. 

Should I do a mental health first aid training course?

Mental Health first aid does not make you an expert in mental health problems but it does give you the knowledge and skills to listen and signpost friends and colleagues when they are having mental health problems. The knowledge you gain on the course will give you the confidence to know what to say and where to point them in the right direction for help.