Mental Health First Aid Training – Your way to success

We come across a lot of businesses who want to improve the culture of their organisation with Mental Health awareness and provide a culture of openness and discussion about Mental Health.

At any given time, 1 in 6 working-age adults have symptoms associated with mental ill-health. 1 in 5 people take a day off due to stress. Yet, 90% of these people cited a different reason for their absence.*

84% of UK line managers believe they are responsible for employee wellbeing, but only 24% have received training. 49% of line managers reported a wish for basic training in common mental health conditions.**

How do you start to improve a culture?

If you have someone in the workplace who suffers an injury or accident at work the first thing you would do is call a first aider to help them initially and signpost them for further help if needed. Mental Health should be no different and should be treated in the same way as physical health. The first step in an organisation is to get a Mental Health First Aider trained. Someone that your employees can go to in confidence who can help to signpost them to the right place for help.

MHFA England training courses teach people to spot the signs of mental health issues, offer initial help and guide a person towards support. We don’t teach people to be therapists, but we do teach people to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis – and even potentially reach out to someone before a crisis happens.

For further information and how to book into our MHFA course please see our website for further details.

* Mind. Work is biggest cause of stress in people’s lives [Internet]. 2013. Available from:

** Business in the Community. Mental Health at Work Report 2017 [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2017 Oct 16]. Available from:

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