
A group of flowers symbolising menopause in the workplace.
April 28, 2022

Menopause in the Workplace

There has been a lot of media coverage over the last week regarding the shortage of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), it has even been raised and discussed in the house of commons. This may be affecting some of...

An occupational health provider issuing a respiratory assessment.
March 23, 2022

What is a respiratory assessment?

A lung function test can check how well your lungs work.  They can help to identify whether exposure to chemicals/substances in the workplace have caused any lung damage. The lung function can identify: How muc...

January 27, 2022

Covid Plan B restrictions eased

From the 27th January 2022, Covid restrictions are being eased in England. It is tricky to keep up with the current rules as not all four nations of the UK have the same restrictions in place. From this morning ...