A few tips for a better nights sleep
We all know that a healthy lifestyle consists of a well-balanced diet and regular exercise, however, we mustn’t forget the importance of getting enough sleep. What we eat can affect our sleep so following a fe...
Dealing with pain in the workplace
This month’s newsletter focuses on the topic of pain. At first glance this may not seem of particular relevance within the workplace but in fact an understanding of the nature of pain and its potential effect on...
Health and Wellbeing at Work Exhibition 5-6 March 2013
Occupational Health Consultancy are looking forward to attending the ‘health and wellbeing @ work’ exhibition on the 5th and 6th of March 2013 at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. We will be locat...
Fitness to attend capability and disciplinary meetings
In December 2012 The Faculty of Occupational Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians issued updated “Ethics Guidance for Occupational Health Practice” (1) This provides guidance to occupational health prac...