A few tips for a better nights sleep

We all know that a healthy lifestyle consists of a well-balanced diet and regular exercise, however, we mustn’t forget the importance of getting enough sleep. What we eat can affect our sleep so following a few simple rules should help us get a good nights slumber.

Tryptophan-rich foods contain a sleep-promoting substance.
Tryptophan is found in diary foods, it is also found in nuts, seeds, bananas, honey and eggs. So stick to these options when choosing your bedtime snack.

Keep the snack size small.
Although a snack may benefit your nights sleep, don’t go to bed with a full stomach. Your digestive system needs a rest too.

Avoid high-fat foods.
Try to avoid high fat foods because research shows that people who consume higher levels of high fat foods not only gain weight but have a more disrupted sleeping pattern.

Stay clear of caffeine for at least 4 hours before bed time.
Don’t forget about the not so obvious caffeine like chocolate, coke, tea, decaf coffee. Check medication too, even some pain relievers contain caffeine.

Avoid alcohol.
Although alcohol may send you off to sleep it will only result in a disturbed night’s sleep so it’s best to stay clear for at least 6 hours before bed.

Don’t eat too much protein.
Although an important part of our diet, protein is harder to digest so avoid snacking on protein before bed.

Avoid regular trips to the bathroom.
Don’t drink liquids past 8.00pm or you’ll be waking up to visit the bathroom in the night.

Don’t smoke.
Smoking is bad for you, we already know that but cigarettes also work as a stimulant so they should be avoided before bed time.


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